
Female Disorders

Homeopathy is a holistic and the safe way to overcome the hormonal and related disorders. Hormones are natural secretions of various glands in the human body. These are the chemical signalling particles which are carried with the blood circulatory system to the required organs to help regulate the (physiology) i.e normal functioning and behaviour.

Hair Fall

Hair Fall is not a Diesease, It’s a symptom. Hair fall is one of the most common problems which one experience in everyday life. However some amount of hair loss is considered normal.According to the American Hair Loss Association, around two-thirds of men will begin to lose their hair by the age of 35. 85% of the global population


Obesity is a major taboo in today’s world which is overruled by the cosmetic importance, and people tend to go any extent to correct the issues. Obesity is a condition which leads to several other illnesses. Most people fail to understand as to why their body is obese. Whether it is because of the familial tendencies, or due to diseases or various treatments.

Respiratory Disorders

Homeopathy bring down the intensity and frequency of symptoms, further by increasing the disease-free period and minimizing the dependency of drugs. The individual’s susceptibility to conditions like change of weather, allergy to pollens and dust, etc., is also considered before suggesting an appropriate remedy. Natural medicines are given to help reduce the sufferings. Respiratory system consists of specialized.

Skin Disorders

Skin protects the body against the harmful disease causing agents from outside, synthesizes vitamin D. It has its characteristic pigmentation which gives the identity and ethnicity of the person. Skin disorders pose a major social stigma owing to the cosmetic effect. Few are short lived, few are permanent, and some are acquired or congenital (by birth), some are auto immune i.e.


The homeopathic approach towards infertility deals with physical, mental and genetic make-up that individualizes a person. It works at the root level of a health problemwithout causing any side-effect and giving you a solution for the lifetime. Homeopathic treatment first determines the core issue of a disorder, works on them minutely and gives desired results. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant

Gastrointestinal Disorder

Gastrointestinal system is regarded as one of the most intelligent systems in the human organism due to its quality of absorbing the things that are necessary and eliminating the things which are unnecessary. When you eat, your body breaks food down to a form it can use to build and nourish cells and provide energy. This process is called digestion. Functional disturbances like pain, early satiety, nausea, irregular bowel movements with irritability or constipation, whereas structural disorders like hemorrhoids(PILES) either internal or external, fissures, perianal abscess, anal fistulas and cancers are some of the prominent features of Gastrointestinal disorders.

Child Disorder

A child is said to be disordered when he/she is not meeting normal behavioural needs to his age in the form of sociability i.e behaving with the people known or unknown, adapting to the situations or with the destructive nature of the child. Failure to develop to his age which leads to lot many issues in behaviour and these are found in the early school going children when the child has to go out of his protection or security of the mother and home to a place unknown to him and strangers. These disorders could be mostly acquired after birth of the child and in few during the pregnancy.

Kidney and Urinary Disorder

Kidney functions to filter the blood plasma which flows into it. It controls volume of various body fluids maintaining the concentration, acid-base balance and removal of toxins. It is affected functionally with diseases like acute/chronic kidney disease, nephritic and nephrotic syndromes. Structural diseases may include cancer, renal cysts, kidney stones and ureteral stones and urinary tract obstruction. Ailments related to kidney decrease the ability to filter extra water, clean blood and remove waste. Symptoms start from swelling in ankles, vomiting, poor sleep, and shortness of breath.